Violet Oon

VioletOonsKitchenOne of Singapore’s food gurus, Violet Oon specialises in Nyonya cuisine and is considered to be a leading authority on Asian cuisine. Her reputation as a chef and food connoisseur spans the international arena and she often represents Singapore as a food ambassador abroad.

Violet started her career as a music critic in 1971 for a local newspaper called The New Nation and in 1987, launched her own food magazine called The Food Paper. Her food adventures include launching and operating a food outlet in Takashimaya in the 1990s, as well as being engaged as a food researcher, archiving the Singapore Food Prints exhibition for the National Heritage Board.

Throughout years of travel and living abroad, Violet’s culinary heart has belonged unabashedly to Singapore.

As an F&B consultant, Violet has contributed her culinary expertise to key national events such as the 2006 IMF World Bank Conference and 2009 APEC Meeting in Singapore. Besides her consulting work, she is also a lauded speaker and has spoken at the International Association of Culinary Professionals’ annual conference in Baltimore, USA.

Violet has written three cookbooks of her own: Peranakan Cooking, Violet Oon Cooks and A Singapore Family Cookbook. Her other book projects include co-authoring the German-published Curry Cookbook by Teubner Publications and recipe editor and tester for Naturally Peninsular, a collection of recipes for the Hong Kong-based Peninsular Hotels Group. She was most recently commissioned by International Enteprise Singapore to design and write her latest book, Tasty Singapore Timeless Recipes.

In addition to sharing her love of Nyonya cuisine in person and on paper, Violet has also charmed television audiences in programmes filmed and aired by the BBC, CNN, The Food Network and Singapore’s Channel 5.

For more info on Violet, her restaurant, catering & cooking classes, visit or

Get to know Violet – Listen to Denise chat with her for the first time on Gold 905 – here!