Focus on Females in F&B: Gek Pang of Surrey Hills Grocer Recommends Epok-Epok

img_7541Hello Makan Kakis, 

International Women’s Day was just yesterday (8 March) and all this month, we’re featuring inspiring female F&B entrepreneurs, like our new Foodie Friend Pang Gek Teng.

She’s the Founder of Aussie-inspired Surrey Hills Grocer, a one-stop shop for quality produce & products from Down Under. Gek’s expanding F&B empire includes cafes within the grocers and a deli in the CBD. 

Get to know Gek better in the podcasts below, where she shares how she picked herself up after the pandemic ended her chain of F&B stores in Melbourne.

The pet-lover also shares future plans for the doggie parallel universe of Surrey Hills – Furry Hills!

Plus: Gek’s sound advice for aspiring F&B entrepreneurs and details of her fantasy dinner party – who would she invite? What food & drink would she serve? What music would she play? Hint: She has divine plans!

And for fellow epok-epok lovers, Gek recommends a must-try, super-crispy Eastside Stall.



What’s not to love about a deep-fried pastry parcel filled with a tasty filling? These simple, old-school epok-epok come highly recommended by Gek, who says she has zero complaints about them. They are always done right and always go down an absolute treat when she orders them for parties. When I popped down on a Sunday evening, the queue was about 6 people deep, but I didn’t really have to wait too long for my turn. If you don’t want to read everything in this post, you only need to know one thing about Yang’s Epok-Epok: CRRRISPY!!!

Continue reading “Focus on Females in F&B: Gek Pang of Surrey Hills Grocer Recommends Epok-Epok”

Nostalgic Bakes

Click here to listen/ download the podcast for this week’s episode – hot & fresh out of the oven!


This week, our Makan Kaki Chef Anthony Yeoh of Summerhill Bistro in Sunset Way shares with us his discovery of more eats in his ‘hood, in particular a super-nostalgic bakery that serves up the very taste of our childhood! Balmoral Bakery is an institution for Sunset residents and it’s the good, old-fashioned kind of confectionary you’ll find in most HDB estates.

Continue reading “Nostalgic Bakes”


Hi Hungry People! Have you heard? My Makan Kakis radio show on the Lunchtime Jukebox is now an online series! This month, it’s all about everybody’s favourite spicy, crispy snacks – CURRY PUFFS! Watch all the delicious, deep-fried foodie action unfold on Gold 905’s FB, or visit, as I take you from East to West for some of the best! With thanks to my Foodie Friends Chef Willin Low & Actor Fir Rahman for their recommendations.

You can also read more about these two curry puff options:

Missed my 1st video episode on Fishballs and Herh Keow? Click here to catch up!

Fong’s Dee-licious Curry Puffs!

Click here for Willin’s crispy, spicy recommendation this week!


Our Makan Kaki Willin Low is on a crusade to save the curry puff and confesses to traveling across our island to champion the humble spiced pastry, the making of which, he says, is a dying art. Sure, there are many factory-made versions, but when it comes to the handmade real deal, space constraints and strict food regulations are some contributing factors, along with a lack of the next generation to take over this artisanal business. That’s why you need to try these while you still can…

fong's dee curry puff
It’s not pretty, but its thin, crisp crust contains an ample amount of fragrant chicken and potatoes with a spicy kick!

This week, the East Coast boy journeys West to highlight a little stall in Clementi that is producing consistently good quality curry puffs that are always served hot, fresh and crispy because they are fried in small batches according to demand.

Admittedly, these puffs aren’t exactly pretty and the crimped edges are more rustic than even, but this puff more than makes up for its appearance by way of taste and texture! You have got to try Fong’s Dee Curry Puffs – for such a generously stuffed puff, the crust is incredibly light and thin, with a lovely, crispy-crunchy crimped edge. And the filling is so fragrant, with just enough spiced in the potato and chicken bits to give you a pleasant kick.

Willin has tried to stop at one, but he always returns for two, then again to take away 10! But for maximum enjoyment of Fong Dee’s curry puffs, he says you need to wait for a fresh batch and eat them on the spot, piping hot and crispy!

fong's dee shopfront
Fong Dee’s shopfront is packed with other goodies, so be sure to save your tummy for extras besides their curry puffs!

Fong’s Dee Curry Puff
Clementi 448 Market & Food Centre
448 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120448

For the Love of Curry Puffs

Willin & Denise

Hot on the heels of the successful re-launch of his Mod-Sin restaurant Wild Rocket, Gold 90FM is delighted to finally have Chef-Owner Willin Low onboard as a Makan Kaki!

And the first thing you should know about our new foodie friend is, he really, really, REALLY loves curry puffs! He eats them any chance he gets and believe us, there are many chances, as far as Willin is concerned! Just check out his Instagram feed (#thecurrypuffincident) and you’ll see what we mean! So it’s no surprise that for his very first episode with us, he chose to talk about his all-time favourite local snack.

First of all, it’s an all-in-one food – it’s portable, compact and even its packaging is edible. Just think: a delicious crust encapsulating ingredients bursting with spicy flavour – what’s not to love about curry puffs? And you know you’ve got a good curry puff in your hands if the crust is good enough to eat on its own!

Here are three of Willin’s current favourites:

Katong Chicken Curry Puff
Katong Chicken Curry Puff

These guys have been producing top quality curry puffs for years and years. In fact, they make their own curry powder and are very generous with their chunks of chicken in the filling. Best eaten fresh and hot, right out of the fryer!

Katong Chicken Curry Puff
Blk 84 Marine Parade Central
Open: Tue – Sun, 8am – 6pm
Closed on Mondays

Lagoon Chicken Curry Puff

These curry puffs have been made and sold for years at East Coast Lagoon and the old man who makes them is still there making them by hand, rolling out his dough (made with lard!!!) with his trusty old glass soya sauce bottle. Spicy and addictive.

Lagoon Chicken Curry Puff
Stall #28
East Coast Lagoon Food Village
1220 East Coast Park Service Road
Open daily: 3 – 9pm (but it sells out fast, so go earlier!)

Baba Curry Puff
Baba Curry Puff

This newer kid on the block is Willin’s latest discovery and boasts several branches, but he swears by the Potong Pasir stall. While the first two curry puffs are Hainanese with pastry made from short crust, this Nyonya version is different. Made by a Peranakan chef whose recipe is extra messy in the best way possible. One bite and you’ll be dealing with melt-in-your-mouth flakes and unctuous filling everywhere! The crust, in particular, is flaky and has that distinct spiral/ shell pattern after it is deep fried.

The Baba Curry Puff Cafe
Blk 137 Potong Pasir Avenue 3
Open 24 Hours Daily




Denise got a big surprise this morning when our Guru of Gluttony showed up unannounced bearing bags of breakfast bliss! He then proceeded to tempt all of us with his selection of “National Icons of Breakfast”.

What do Singapore’s best curry puffs and chwee kueh look like? Click this link for all the delicious details! You’ll also learn who was the originator of the giant triangular Indian Muslim “kari pap”.

With such a sweeping gesture of generosity, Seetoh proves once again he is a true foodie friend – he is indeed, a Makan Kaki!

Karipap Krazy!

Chwee Kueh Shiokness!