Putu Mayam

Click here to hear this week’s episode again!


photo courtesy of makansutra.com

Putu Mayam is a wonderful, traditional dish that is hard to find these days and even if you could find it, you probably won’t like it – mainly because most places that sell it use the frozen, factory made kind. However, rejoice, because our Makan Kaki KF Seetoh has the intel on where you can find really, really good Putu Mayam!

He is possibly the only person in Singapore who makes it fresh and from scratch – Surendran is a new generation hawker who used to help his mum at her famous apom stall in Ghim Moh, but since then he has struck out on his own, researched and experimented until he has perfected his Putu Mayam recipe.

He uses a delicious rice flour mixture in his pump-contraption, which pushes these little strands of beehoon dough, so to speak, over his steamer. Using circular motions over the steamer, he creates these delectable “beehoon” pancakes, which then can be eaten hot and fresh in the classic way with orange sugar and coconut, or with an awesome chicken curry.

Putu Mayam
Kopitiam Foodcourt
Changi Airport Terminal 3

Hamburgers with a Luscious Local Twist!

Audio for this week’s episode!


Photo courtesy of Makansutra.com

HE’S BAAAAACK! With more awesome recommendations for unique local delights, there’s never a dull or untasty moment with Makan Guru KF Seetoh! This week, come with us to Upper Bukit Timah for a delicious & unusual hamburger – a BUAH KELUAK HAMBURGER! The brainchild of youngsters Ryan & Claire, they actually quit their jobs to start up this hambuger stall with no prior experience, because they believed so much in their product. And boy, does their product deliver in the taste department! Imagine if you will, that strange, earthy black nut usually used in chicken or pork curry – the buah keluak paste is extracted, mixed with spices, added to minced meat, shaped into patties and seared-to-order right before your eyes. The buah keluak meat patties are sandwiched between buns and topped with Nyonya chap chye! The combination of textures and flavours is incredible, so hurry to Beauty World for this hamburger with a luscious local twist!


Block 144 Upper Bukit Timah Road
Beauty World Centre
Open Tues – Sun: 12 pm to 8 pm (Closed on Monday)

Humble Chicken Rice

Shunfu FC Chicken Rice

What does Seetoh mean when he says, “You can taste the humility!” in the making of his favourite chicken rice? Why does this humble little stand-alone mom & pop stall trump your usual Boon Tong Kees, 5 Stars, Loy Kees, Tian Tians, Pow Sings, Wee Nam Kees, etc?

To quote the Makansutra,

These Hokkien folks are proof that you don’t need to be a Hainanese to make good Hainanese chicken rice. The fluffy rice has a light smokiness and mouthwatering aroma of fried ginger and garlic… The chicken is plump and the meat is juicy, with a thin layer of jellied juice under the skin… They do not drench the chicken with excessive sauce, just a little soy sauce and sesame oil seasoning. 

Ultimately, it’s all in the tasting, so go try out:

Leong Hainanese Chicken Rice
Shunfu Mart Food Centre
320 Shunfu Road
Open: 10am-7pm

Can’t wait to hear the repeat broadcasts on Gold 90FM? Click to LISTEN!

Nasi Biryani!

Beach Rd Mutton Biryani

Fork-tender, soft meat falling off the bone, long grains of perfectly cooked rice “as taut as Linda Hamilton in Terminator” – this is where some of the best Biryanis are hiding in a tiny, nondescript corner of Beach Road. Long queues snaking out of the coffeeshop testify to the seductive power of this spicy delicacy.

There are other options like chicken, but their MUTTON biryani is an absolute must! PLEASE get there early (before 1pm) if you want to enjoy this dish of deliciousness!

Muslim Food
Blk 17 Beach Road #01-4705
Singapore 190017

Operating Hours:
Monday to Sunday
10.30am– 2.00pm

Closed every alternate Tuesday

Missed this episode on Gold 90FM? Click &  LISTEN!

Sumo Brothers Duck Rice?

Seah Kee Geylang

As many Singaporeans mourn the imminent closure of the South Buona Vista Duck Rice stall, your Makan Kakis ponder where else can we still get our duck rice fix…

Here it is Gluttons! This is the Boneless Duck Rice sold by the 3 Sumo brothers (as Seetoh affectionately calls them). Carrying on their fathers’ 60-year legacy of simple, yet delicious duck rice or porridge, their duck is cooked in a simmering pot of rich gravy, sliced and served atop a bed of boiled Shandong peanuts and bean sprouts. Seetoh reckons this is even better than the South Buona Vista stall’s. Try and tell us what you think!

LISTEN to this week’s episode of Makan Kakis from Gold 90FM!

Sia Kee Boneless Duck Rice
Sin Huat Eating House
Coffeeshop at the corner of Geylang Road and Lorong 35
Not open for dinner

Teochew Cze Char


Greetings Gluttons! Around these parts, please consider that a compliment! Your friendly (and HUNGRY) Makan Kakis, Denise & Seetoh have something very special for the inaugural episode on The Lunchtime Jukebox!

This week, it’s a magical, mixed menu of shiokness – Giam Chye Ark (duck & salted veg soup), Hay Piah (Prawn Fritters), Lala Clam Beehoon with Rice Wine, Fried Fish Head with Black Bean & Bittergourd…

Where can you find tasty Teochew cze char?

Click HERE for the full photo album & menu descriptions!

LISTEN to this week’s Makan Kakis.

Leng Heng BBQ Seafood & Claypot Deluxe
Stalls 5 & 6
East Coast Lagoon Food Village